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Awake, Awake
Words and Music: Cameron Gray, 2006. ©2006 Rough Harbor Music
Awake, awake my soul and sing—
Did not thy Lord thy salvation bring?
Did He not make His favor known,
And bear for thee the curse that was thine own?
Does not His sacred Word proclaim
Thy salvation sure in Jesus’ name?
Awake, Awake! Awake, Awake!
Awake, Awake, Awake, Awake!
Awake, awake my tears and flow—
Have you not heard—O, do you not know?
How thy sweet Savior bled and died,
How He upon that cross was crucified?
And by the merit of His blood
Thou art forever reconciled to God!
Awake, Awake! Awake, Awake!
Awake, Awake, Awake, Awake!
Awake, awake my tongue to tell—
When in thy sin thou stood condemned to hell,
Did thou not call His judgment just?
Did thou not in His mercy put thy trust?
And is thy faith not satisfied?
In Christ thy sin has all been crucified!
Awake, Awake! Awake, Awake!
Awake, Awake, Awake, Awake!
Scripture References
1 Peter 2:24; Psalm 89:17
thank you Chad. I love this song !!AWAKE