God Has Spoken

God Has Spoken
Words © The Hymn Society, by George Wallace Briggs 1953, adapted by Cameron Gray, 2015. Music by Cameron Gray, 2015.

God has spoken by His prophets,
Spoken His unchanging Word,
Each from age to age proclaiming,
God, You are the righteous Lord!
In the world’s despair and turmoil,
One firm anchor holds us fast,
God is King and His throne is eternal,
God the first, and God the last!

God has spoken by Christ Jesus,
Christ the everlasting Son,
Brightness of the Father’s glory,
With the Father ever one,
Ransomed by the Word Incarnate,
Sinners saved by love so vast,
Christ the Lord over all is ascended,
God the first, and God the last!

God still speaks now by His Spirit,
Speaking to our hearts again,
By the ageless Word expounding
God’s own message, now as then,
Through the rise and fall of nations,
Every promise standing fast,
Spirit, lead us by Thy Word unchanging
God the first, and God the last!