Hearts & Diamonds

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Hearts & Diamonds
Words & Music by Cameron Gray
©2009 Rough Harbor Music

sky falling down
dark at the edge of town
measuring wisdom by the mile
never enough
using up that love
crying, trying to make it stay
don’t make it bad, don’t be so sad, darlin please,
we ought to know better by now

hearts and diamonds
lost in a wonderland
hearts and diamonds for you

give ’til it aches
bending until you break
spending all those years waiting
storms that come riding
riding a wicked wind
I feel them coming before they hit
out of that wild blue yonder, such a long way to wander
when I’m all alone you’re what keeps me hanging on

hearts and diamonds
lost in a wonderland
hearts and diamonds for you

wait for it son, hearts and diamonds
ever since I was a young man
making promises I never dreamed I’d break
now I’m lost inside you
now I’m lost inside you

hearts and diamonds
lost in a wonderland
hearts and diamonds for you