In You Alone

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In You Alone
©2007 Rough Harbor Music. Words & Music by Cameron Gray.

I will find rest for my soul
In you alone, in you alone;
All of my hope and my home
In you alone, in you alone.
There is a river whose streams
Make glad my soul, make glad my soul;
Draw me to drink of it deep,
In you alone, in you alone.

Love me in all of my shame,
In you alone, in you alone;
Wed me, and give me your name,
In you alone, in you alone.
Give me your promise so true
A heart of stone, a heart of stone,
Couldn’t help but fall in love with you,
With you alone, with you alone.

I will find rest for my soul,
All of my hope and my home;
There is a river whose streams
Draw me to drink of it deep;
Love me in all of shame,
Wed me and give me your name;
Give me your promise so true
Can’t help but fall in love with you.

I will find rest for my soul
In you alone, in you alone.