Rejoice, Rejoice

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Rejoice, Rejoice
Words & Music: Cameron Gray, based on lyrics by Joseph Hart, (Gadsby, 725 & 787), c. 1768.

Come, come away with me
In meditations fair,
Let us to Golgotha go
And find my Savior there;
Let me in His wounded side
Wash away my shame,
And in that fountain opened wide
Lose all my guilty stain.

Rise up and rejoice
Rise up and rejoice
Rise up and rejoice
Rise up and rejoice
Lift up and sing;
With my heart and my voice
To Jesus my King

Come, come away with me,
Leave your sorrows behind;
Don’t you know that your life is hid
In the righteousness of Christ?
O the riches of His grace,
Enough to go around;
For who of mercy should despair
Since I have mercy found?