All posts by cgray

Thou Lovely Source of True Delight

Thou Lovely Source of True Delight
©1998 Kevin Twit Music. Words: Anne Steele (alt Kevin Twit). Music: Kevin Twit

Thou lovely source of true delight
Whom I unseen adore
Unveil Thy beauties to my sight
That I might love Thee more
Oh that I might love Thee more.

Thy glory o’er Creation shines
But in Thy sacred Word
I see in fairer, brighter lines
My bleeding, dying Lord,
See my bleeding, dying Lord

Tis here, whene’er my comforts droop
And sin and sorrow rise
Thy love with cheering beams of hope
My fainting heart supplies,
My fainting heart supplies.

But ah! Too soon the pleasing scene
Is clouded o’er with pain
My gloomy fears rise dark between
And I again complain,
Oh and I again complain.

Jesus, my Lord, my life, my light
Oh come with blissful ray
Break radiant through the shades of night
And chase my fears away,
Won’t You chase my fears away.

Then shall my soul with rapture trace
The wonders of Thy love
But the full glories of Thy face
Are only known above,
They are only known above.

Psalm 16:11; John 20:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Psalm 19:1; Luke 24:25-27; 2 Tim 3:16-17; 1 John 4:18; Psalm 119; John 8:12

Everlasting God

Everlasting God
Words & Music: Brenton Brown & Ken Riley. ©2005 Thankyou Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) CCLI Song#4556538

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,
We will wait upon the Lord,
We will wait upon the Lord.

Our God, You reign forever,
Our Hope, our strong deliverer.

You are the everlasting God,
The everlasting God,
You do not faint, You won’t grow weary.
You’re the defender of the weak,
You comfort those in need,
You lift us up on wings like eagles.

Scripture References:
Isa 40:28-31

Just Like You Are

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Just Like You Are
©2007 Words & Music by Cameron Gray

I am missing your smile babe
Your smile is far away
Call you up on the telephone
Just to say
Don’t forget that I love your smile
Like honey to the bee
That’s just like you are to me.

I am missing your voice babe
Your voice is far away
Call you up on the telephone
Just to say
Don’t forget that I love your voice
Like sugar to my tea
That’s just like you are to me.

I am missing your moves babe
Your moves are far away
Call you up on the telephone
Just to say
Don’t forget that I love your moves
A precious commodity
That’s just like you are—

Don’t go so far away
Don’t go so far away

I am missing your love babe
Your love is far away
Call you up on the telephone
Just to say
Don’t forget that I love your love
Like water to the sea
That’s just like you are
That’s just like you are
That’s just like you are to me.

Written and recorded for Mellie, Dec 07. Hooray for Mellie!

Old Fashioned Lullabye

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Old Fashioned Lullabye
©2007 Words & Music by Cameron Gray

Slow summer nights and old fashioned lullabyes
Underneath a blue, blue moon,
Voices in union, a sweet perfume,
Holdin on like a juniper root,
Feelin fine, just to know you’re mine.

Standing shoulder to shoulder, arm-in-arm to uphold
The strength of our love—just you and me up against the world.
Looking forward to getting older,
The warmth we share won’t never, never, never grow colder,
I’m gonna love you til the day I die.

So bring on those days of slow change, those years of age,
I’m falling for you like a fool, like when my youth was young,
Let’s make a melody of you and I,
Making love in sweet slow time,
Like an old fashioned lullabye.

I went dreaming last night, of a lullabye,
Dreaming last night, of a lullabye,
You were there, just dreaming by my side,
And we went dreaming all through the night.

Dreaming of those days of slow change, those years of age,
I’m falling for you like a fool, like when my youth was young,
Let’s make a melody of you and I,
Making love in sweet slow time,
Like an old fashioned lullabye.

Time gonna change us, take liberties outrageous,
Make mockery of vanity and pride,
Oh but love lingers on,
Young and strong.

So bring on those days of slow change, those years of age,
And someday, baby when all our youth is gone
We can look back upon the melody of you and I
Making love to last all our lives,
Like an old fashioned lullabye.

Written and recorded for Mellie, Dec 07. Hooray for Mellie!

Way Back Home

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Way Back Home
©2007 Words & Music by Cameron Gray

I’ve seen the stars in your eyes
We’ve slept out under a sky-blue sky
We’ve heard the sound of angels all around
And we know the way back home.

We’ve drunk a taste of the sea
We’ve painted purple mountain majesty
I’ve whistled a tune with you beneath the moon
And we know the way back home.

Oh, ain’t it hard
Learning how live with love
Is bound to break your heart
Don’t be afraid
Don’t give up, don’t give in
Don’t be ashamed
Let’s bring a little bit of heaven to this side of Revelation

I’ve seen the stars in your eyes
That steady constellation has been my guide
And with you by my side, I know that I know
We know the way back
We know the way back
We know the way back home

Written and recorded for Mellie, Dec 07. Hooray for Mellie!

Awaken The Dawn

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Awaken the Dawn
Words & Music by Cameron Gray. ©2010 Rough Harbor Music.

Day is breaking,
My heart awakened to you,
Awakened to you.
You are worthy,
All of your mercies are new,
Mercies are new.
World is turning,
My spirit yearning for you.

And this darkness, only for a time.
I can see forever, breaking through the sky

With a song
I will awaken the dawn,
I will awaken the dawn,
For you have made me your own,
I will awaken the dawn,
I will awaken the dawn.

Helpless, hopeless,
Blinded and broken was I,
Broken was I.
Your love sought me,
Your blood bought me and I
Owe you my life.
Eyes wide open
Feel like I am finally alive.

Singing Alleluia

I will awaken,
I will awaken,
I will awaken the dawn.

Easter Earthquake Video

A 6.9 7.2 earthquake hit near Mexicali, east of Tijuana, while I was setting up for our evening Easter church service here in San Diego. We meet in a 100 year-old church building full of chandeliers and stained glass. At first it sounded like someone was running across the tile roof from one end of the building to the other. Then the windows started rattling. Then the whole place started groaning and shuddering and I could feel the floor rolling under my feet. After it stopped I took this video of all the swaying lights.

Passover Seder Guide

This Christian Seder Guide is designed to walk you through the whole process of preparing for, hosting and leading a Christian Seder. Feel free to download it to use or just to read. I hope you find it encouraging.

Passover is the oldest Jewish religious festival, commemorating God’s deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt, described in Exodus 12. The Passover Seder is a ceremonial meal designed to guide people through a communal meditation on God’s work of redemption for His people.

Many Christians have adapted this tradition into an insightful meditation on the New Covenant inaugurated by Jesus at the Last Supper. Unable to find a Christian Seder guide that fit our church’s needs, I cobbled one together myself last year using several sources. Our community group used it and it was a really cool way to enter into the drama of Passion Week in preparation for Easter. So it’s back this year, with a few edits and the addition of discussion questions at the end. I’m looking forward to the experience again this Thursday!

Crown Him With Many Crowns (Gray)

Crown Him With Many Crowns
Words: Matthew Bridges, 1852. Chorus & Music by Cameron Gray.
©2010 Rough Harbor Music

Crown Him with many crowns,
The Lamb upon His throne.
Hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns
All music but its own.
Awake, my soul, and sing
Of Him Who died for thee,
And hail Him as they matchless King
Through all eternity.

Crown Him! Lift up your voice
Crown Him! Ye saints rejoice
Crown Him! With songs of joy
Crown Him with many crowns

Crown Him the Lord of life,
Who triumphed o’er the grave,
And rose victorious in the strife
For those He came to save.
His glories now we sing,
Who died and rose on high,
Who died eternal life to bring,
And lives that death may die.

Crown Him the Lord of love,
Behold His hands and side;
Those wounds yet visible above,
In beauty glorified.
All hail, Redeemer, hail!
For Thou has died for me;
Thy praise and glory shall not fail
Throughout eternity.

Another Miracle

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Another Miracle
Words & Music by Cameron Gray
© 2010 Rough Harbor Music

Learning to wear my woes
Sharp dressed in heart shaped clothes
Getting harder to muster
The energy I need to be disgusted
I know, I know.

Maybe we don’t need another miracle
Maybe we don’t need another miracle
Maybe we don’t need another miracle

Learning to weigh my words
Dove shaped dissident birds
Wonder what’s worth keeping
Crumb collecting while the the sun is sinking
I know, I know.

Maybe we don’t need another miracle
Maybe we don’t need another miracle
Maybe we don’t need another miracle

When I want you, you don’t want me
When I see you, you don’t see me
When we find ourselves lost at sea
If I rescue you, would you rescue me?

Maybe we don’t need another miracle
Maybe we don’t need another miracle
Maybe we don’t need another miracle