All posts by cgray

No Other Savior

Words & Music by Jon Neufeld & Tim Neufeld
©2010 Stonebrook Music Company (EMI Christian Music Publishing) CCLI Song #5683259

Lord of every age,
Author of our faith,
The First, the Last, the same,
The Name above all names;
Crowned in majesty,
Glorious Prince of Peace,
Throned at God’s right hand,
The world at Your command,
The world at Your command.

Jesus, Lamb of God,
How great You are,
There is no other Savior;
Every knee bows down
At your renown,
There is no other Savior

Merciful High Priest,
Lover of the least,
Generous and meek,
Protector of the weak;
Sacrificed to death,
For us, Your final breath,
You died, the world to save,
To overcome the grave,
You overcame the grave

You will reign forever,
You reign forever!

Heb 12:2; Phil 2:9; Isa 9:6; Mk 16:19; Ps 110:1; Heb 4:14-16; Isa 45; Rom 14:11

Narrow Little Road

Words and Music by Mo Leverett, 1995. ©1995 Justice Road Productions

I believe in the love of God
It is an orphan’s wildest dream
It is a narrow little road
It is an ever-widening desert stream

Oh I, and I,
I will leave this road
For the narrow

It is portrayed in the bread and wine
Let it fortify my bones
It is more than just a sign
It is the fountain from that desert stone

It is the path where the humble go
It is the narrow not the broad
It is the pathway down the hill
To the graveyard of the living God

The love of God is the hymn of hope
Let the needy join the throng
Let the widow hear and cope
Let the crippled rise to sing this song

By Thy Mercy

By Thy Mercy
Words by James J. Cummins, 1839. Music by Greg Thompson ©2004 Greg Thompson Music

Jesus, Lord of life and glory,
Bend from heav’n thy gracious ear;
While our waiting souls adore thee,
Friend of helpless sinners, hear.

From the depth of nature’s blindness,
From the hard’ning pow’r of sin,
From all malice and unkindness,
From the pride that lurks within.

By thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord
By thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord, good Lord

When temptation sorely presses,
In the day of Satan’s pow’r,
In our times of deep distresses,
In each dark and trying hour.

When the world around is smiling,
In the time of wealth and ease,
Earthly joys our hearts beguiling,
In the day of health and peace.

In our weary hours of sickness,
In our times of grief and pain,
When we feel our mortal weakness,
When all human help is vain.

In the solemn hour of dying,
In the awful judgment day,
May our souls, on thee relying,
Find thee still our Rock and Stay.

Scripture References:
Rom 5:6; Luke 7:34; Heb 3:8; Eph 4:31; Ps 40:11-13; Ps 51:19; Ps 79:8-9; Ps 143:9; Luke 22:53; Luke 22:44; 1Jn 2:15-17; 2 Pet 2:18-19; Jam 5:13-15; Rom 7:24; 2 Cor 5:10; Ps 19:14

The Son Forsook The Father’s Home
Apostle’s Creed, Article III: “Conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary”
Bruce’s studio version
Download the entire album, Hymns of Faith, for free!

The Son Forsook The Father’s Home
Words: Samuel J. Stone, 1866; Music: Bruce Benedict, 2010.

The Son forsook the Father’s home for mercy to lost man,
And did not scorn the Virgin’s womb to bear the sinner’s ban.
Meekly the Maiden pure believed the great Archangel’s word,
And by the Holy Ghost conceived the Savior Christ the Lord.

The Word made flesh creation sees, it’s mighty God in Man,
Great mystery of mysteries since ever time began!
That we might gain a second birth the Holy Son was given,
Twas God Himself came down to earth to win us back to heaven.

Lord, we believe with love and praise this wondrous truth of Thee,
Thereby in all our troublous days how strong henceforth are we!
So near art Thou, so strong are we, for now, if we are Thine,
Our Brother in humanity, Thou makest us divine!

We see with peace in times of fear serene Thy human form,
Thy human voice with joy we hear, sweet-toned above the storm.
So dread we not the deathly strife, knowing that Thou hast died,
It can but bear us into life, since nearer to Thy side.

Scripture References:
Isa 9:6; Luke 1:26-38; Matt 1:23; John 1:1, 1:14, 3:3, 8:58, 10:30; Heb 4:15; Rom 5:3, 8:29; Mk 4:39; Heb 2:15

God The Spirit

Matt Boswell’s version can be heard (and downloaded for free!) here.
©2010 Matt Boswell. Words: Samuel J. Stone, 1866. Music: Matt Boswell, 2010

Holy fount of inspiration
By whose gift the great of old
Spoke the word of revelation
Marvelous and manifold

God the Spirit we adore Thee,
In the Triune Godhead One
One in love and power and glory
With the Father and the Son

Author of the new creation,
Giver of the second birth
May Thy ceaseless renovation
Cleanse our souls from stains of earth

When we wander Lord direct us,
Keep us in the Master’s way
Let Thy strong swift sword protect us
Warring in the evil day
Shall the church now faint or fear
When the Comforter is near?

Winter In His Heart of Gloom

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Bruce over at invited some folks to write new music for a collection of hymn texts based on the Apostle’s Creed called Lyra Fidelium. The whole collection of new tunes, along with chord sheets, is available for free download on BandCamp. Check out the original texts by Samuel John Stone, and read Bruce’s intro of the idea. Thanks Bruce for a fun and encouraging project!

Article XI, The Resurrection of the Body
Winter In His Heart of Gloom
Words by Samuel John Stone (Lyra Fidelium,1866) and Cameron Gray, 2010. Music by Cameron Gray. ©2010 Rough Harbor Music.

Winter in his heart of gloom
Sings the song of coming bloom;
So o’er death our souls shall sing
Lays of the eternal spring
Then decay shall be no more
And, the weary seed-time o’er,
All the dead in Christ shall rise
For the Harvest of the skies

Then there shall be, there shall be
Then there shall be, there shall be
Then there shall be sorrow no more, no more

We from earth to heaven shall soar
In that flesh which once we wore,
Deathless now and glorified
Like our Lord and at His side
This is life’s eternal Spring
This the coming joy we sing
Look we ever toward that Day
Be it near or far away

Mid the sorrow and the strife
Tis the music of our life,
And our song has this refrain,
Our Redeemer comes again
Our Redeemer comes

Music to Drive To

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©2010 Music by Cameron Gray